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Zinzendorfhaus > History

History | Zinzendorfhaus | Neudietendorf

History of Zinzendorfhaus Neudietendorf


1743Founding of a branch of the Herrnhut Unity of Brethren in Dietendorf
1780Completion of the Church of the Brethren
1786Completion of the Zinzendorfhaus and usage as a nurses’ home
1803Conversion of the choir hall
1861Moving out of the Girl’s Boarding School
1923Moving in of the Economic Women’s School
1945Occupation of the area by the Soviet Union
1948Closure of the Economic Women’s School
1949Moving in of the Protestant-Lutheran Church of Thuringia
1980Purchase of the house by the Protestant-Lutheran Church of Thuringia
1991Moving in of the Protestant Academy
2007Conversion of the house, construction of the guest houses